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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What laptops can I donate?

We accept any PC Laptops or Macs up to 6 years old. They should be able to turn on. Based on our research, laptops any older than this do not provide a useful experience for the children as tools for learning in school and at home. 


The laptops should include laptop charger, so that the machine is good to go.


Ideally, you should reformat your laptop before you bring it in to RE-PC.

  • Reformatting protects your privacy.

  • Reformatting a laptop removes all data on the laptop.

  • This process is not reversible.


If you're having trouble with reformatting, follow the instructions on this page


2. What condition of laptop is acceptable?

The Laptop should be donated fully charged and should be able to be turned off and on. Thanks to the RE-PC program, it doesn't matter how slow the laptop is, or how long its battery life is.


The cosmetic condition of the laptop doesn't matter. For example, scratches and decals don't matter. However, laptops with cracked, poorly working screens can't be part of the program at this point.


3. Checklist of assessing your laptop

a. Fully charged

b. Turns off and on.

c. Screen works and displays any text clearly.

d. You have reformatted your laptop to protect your privacy.


4. Will I ever get my laptop back?

No. The laptops will be checked, repurposed with a new OS and distributed to schools and deserving students. The laptops will be loaned to the students for a two-year period so that they can stay in the system and upgrade to a new RE-PC when the existing hardware is no longer fit-for-purpose. 


Laptops that come to their end-of-useful life under the RE-PC will be sent for responsible recycling, having usefully exceeded their expected useful life by a significant margin, reducing their impact on the environment, having done so while increasing their positive social impact. 


5. How do I know who the laptop goes to?

At the moment, we plan to distribute the RE-PCs via educational institutions and CDC's.


Privacy issues prevent us from sharing the recipient's personal or contact information. However, the average recipient profile will be shared on the site and newsletter as the data gets collected.


6. What corporate partners are supporting this initiative?

We're working on it, to make a greater social impact. News will be published here as it becomes official.


7. How can I help?

The best way, besides directly donating your old laptop, is to share news of this campaign with your family and friends! 


8. Can I donate tablets, phones or printers (iPads, iPhones, Tab's, Galaxies etc)?

We accept tablets complete with charger and cable, but not phones or printers as yet.



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