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As a social welfare initiative, RE-PC is only as strong as its network of supporters, hardware donors, recipient networks and partner organisations.


We are always on the lookout for 

  1. Welfare organisations who work with the children of low income familes​

  2. Educational institutions who enroll and subsidise the children from low-income families

  3. Recycling and e-waste reclaiming agencies

  4. Volunteer bodies who would like to be a part of this effort in Singapore as well as regional Asia

  5. Computer clubs of polytechnics and universities who would like to support the initiative as past of community service hours


Please contact us at if you would like to show your support or partner with us to effect social change.


Subscribe and share the initiative.



We live in the the hearts and minds of charitable, sustainably minded people everywhere.



While we gear up, please stay in touch with us via our newsletter or email



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